April 2020

    • 'Cut to the cat' co-written with Kevin Godley is finished and will be on his 'Muscle Memory' Album which is due for release by the state51 label in 2020.

    March 2020

    • The score for 'Conni' was finished just before everything shut down. A fantastic couple of days recording with Fiachra Trench (musical direction and orchestrations) and Brian Masterson (recording and mixing) in 'Meadow' studios. We had a superb wind quintet:

      Flute: Vourneen Ryan, Oboe: Jenny Magee, Clarinet/Bass Clarinet: Conor Shiels, Bassoon: Ates Kirwan, French Horn: Cormac Ó hAodain

      A great session and a nice way to finish off the score for Conni. Thanks to Fiachra, Brian, all the players and Jonathon of Orchestra Services Ireland.

    February 2020

    • Work on the score for 'Conni' continues.

    January 2020

    • Work on the score for 'Conni' continues. 

    December 2019

    • Work has started on 'Conni' a YOUNGFILMS Production in co-production with SENATOR FILM KOLN TRAUMHAUS STUDIOS and TELEGAEL

    November 2019

    • 'Cut to the Cat' co-written with Kevin Godley from 10CC earlier this year is to be included on his 'Muscle Memory' album due for release in 2020.

    October 2019

    • Arranging work completed on show.

    September 2019

    • Score is finished for 'My Mother's Shoes'. Arranging work continues on show.

    August 2019

    • Arranging work on show continues. Work has started on the score for 'My Mother's Shoes' directed by Mike Hayes and produced by Alice productions.

    July 2019

    • Arranging work on show continues.